3 Essential Checklist To Consider Before Moving Into A New House.

3 Essential Checklist To Consider Before Moving Into A New House.

October 3, 2022 

Finally, your most awaited day is here and you look forward to investing in your dream house. After going through countless hours of hard work, determination, and planning in a few days, you’re about to see your dream come true. Now, it becomes important that you are making a well-informed decision before moving on with this once-in-a-lifetime investment. Therefore, to help with this process, let’s discuss some things that you are required to keep in your mind so that your moving process goes without a hinge. 

  1. Get Detailed House Checkup done by Experts 

You might be moving to a completely new environment, so having a thorough house inspection done by experts becomes necessary. For a proper home inspection, you must approach a specialized agency or certified experts who usually have experience in this field. They will help you to find any concerning deficiency, problems related to safety, and dis-functionality whether the home you are about to buy is approaching its service life. Apart from that, home inspections can also expose any broken or hazardous issues with that particular home, along with its surrounding area. 

There are some primary areas where the certified home inspectors tend to give their attention, 

  • Structural issues
  • Any type of structural damage to the roof or to RCC
  • Damaged electrical systems
  • Plumbing problems
  • Damages caused by water
  • Insect and pest infestation
  • Monitoring the woodwork.
  • Wall Cracks or Peeled Paint

You have to keep one thing in mind, the main purpose of having a home inspection is to get a reliable certification on the credibility of your new living space. Once your property goes through a proper checkup, you won’t have to worry about the safety of your loved ones and you will be able to put your mind at ease while going to sleep. 

  1. Locate Structural Exposures 

Usually, when you go for a visit to your new house, structural exposures are one of the first things that catch your eye. These exposures might include loose plasters, hairline cracks, improper installation, and so on. Whatever it might be you must not ignore these types of structural exposures, as they might be a sign of internal structural damage or poor construction practices. There are times when the construction professionals don’t bother to follow the codal provisions. One major reason behind this is to reduce the period of the project which can allow them to move on to the next one, or save some construction expenses. However, these types of construction practices can be very hazardous when it comes to the safety of the owners. 

Let’s discuss some instances of poor construction practices that might result in cracks forming in the plaster. 

  • Many times the construction professionals start applying the plaster without creating the background surface. Creating the background surface is important because without the surface, the plaster might come in contact with the oil and greasy spots that are already present on the surface. 
  • There can also be instances where they just apply a thick coat of plaster to deal with the unevenness of the wall or to make it plumb.
  • Sometimes, the plaster is applied without creating a proper chicken mesh at the junctions of the RCC. 
  1. Conduct Infrared Thermography of your Property 

Some of you might not have heard of this technology, as this is one of the latest home inspection technologies that has come into trend. Carrying out infrared thermography of your property will help you to find out various hidden structural defects without breaking through your walls and ceilings. This particular method can be really beneficial for you to get valuable insights and credible information about your property structure. 

Infrared thermography basically detects the fluctuations in the temperature of the walls which helps in measuring the dampness and the source of water leakage. If a wall is having more than usual dampness, then it will imply that the property has some major plumbing issues. Similarly, if any of your walls show relatively high temperature then there must be live water leakage in the wall.

Final Thoughts

We understand that purchasing a property can be really exciting and a special moment for your family. However, you might get blinded by the depths of that excitement, or by those alluring exterior designs. In such cases, you have to keep one thing in mind, that this decision might affect the rest of your life, so it’s important to take every possible precaution before making this decision. Make sure to carry out a thorough home inspection with the help of a certified expert, and analyze the overall quality of your property

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